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Non Profit Rates:

At the Sutter Youth Organization’s (SYO) general meeting held on January 21, 2014 the SYO board amended rental rates for youth non-profit organizations as defined below. These new rates only apply to the SYO building. Park and pool rental rates are not discounted for any non-profit organization or school. The board defines a youth non-profit organization as an organization with 501(c)3 tax status and whose sole purpose is to provide services for the youth in the town of Sutter and surrounding areas within the Sutter Union High School District. Schools are recognized as non-profit as well.

  1. Non-profit youth groups who are based in the town of Sutter or within the Sutter Union High School District, may elect to rent the SYO building at a reduced rental rate of $500.00 for the 1st event within an academic year, and $750 per event for any additional rentals. The academic school year is defined as June 1 – May 31.

  2. For fundraiser event schedule Monday – Thursday, the youth rate is $350.

  3. The SYO is free for meeting use to non-profit groups who are based in the town of Sutter or within the Sutter Union High School District Monday – Thursday. (Provided the meeting doesn’t conflict with SYO rentals.)

The SYO board welcomes any questions or concerns you may have regarding the above mentioned rate changes.

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